Discovery Weekend
Expanded Outline
I. Introduction
A. We are the most powerful creation of God because we are created in His image and likeness and because He gave us dominion and control over all creation.
B. It is when we know God that we discover the power that is in us. Our goal in life and our mission in SFC is to discover this power, to use this power in us, and to bring this power out in others so we can serve God.
II. Without God We are Weak and Powerless
Here are common sources of weakness for those who have not found God.
A. Hurts and suffering are a source of weakness.
B. Guilt and fear are a source of weakness.
C. Anger and hatred are a source of weakness.
D. Pride, selfishness and vanity are a source of weakness.
E. Vices are a source of weakness.
F. Laziness and apathy are a source of weakness.
III. The Source of Power and How to Cultivate Them
A. Prayer
1. Start your day with prayer. Begin the day with joyful expectation of God’s surprises.
2. Spend your day in prayer by being conscious of God’s presence in everything you do and everyone you meet. Convert the boredom of daily routine (traffic) with a special time of joy by being in a prayerful stance and always asking yourself: “What is the loving thing to do?” or “What would make God happy with the choices I face?”
3. At night, recollect and thank God for His goodness and the privilege of living a productive day.
B. Passion for Service
1. The more I serve, the more I learn and the more I grow.
2. The more I serve, the more I love and the more I am loved.
3. The more I serve, the more I heal and more I am healed.
4. The more I serve, the more I bring joy and the more I find joy.
C. Zeal for Righteousness
1. Power is having the moral authority to lead and the moral authority that comes form being right with God.
2. Power doesn’t just come from what I say or do but how I witness to God’s righteousness in my life.
D. The Decision to be Happy
1. The decision to be happy is not dependent on what others do or do not do for me. It is not dependent on what they give or withhold form me. But, believing in my heart that it is what I deserve because I am loved by God.
2. It is not something that I can buy, even with all the money in the world, nor is it something I am deprived of because I do not own anything. Therefore, I can be more powerful in my simple life as a farmer or as an a driver than a bank executive or powerful businessman because the Spirit of God is in me and I live a happy and contented life because that is enough for me.
IV. Conclusion
A. We live a life of power because it is our birthright as sons and daughters of God who is the source of all power.
B. We are called to live a life of power and to be a source of power. We have to have a passion for life, the passion to love and care for others, and the passion to serve in SFC because this is the community where we have received an empowered life and where we are called to serve.
C. Sharers: They will answer the question, “What have they discovered in the conference?”
D. Reminder: Before the start of the talk a group of singles will present a dance number to the tune of “We’ve Got the Power!”
E. The talk will end with:
1. The Christian song of power.
2. A prayer of empowerment to be led by the speaker.
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