GOAL: To encourage the members to participate and give importance to their households
To build up the households
Masking Tape
1. Ask the participants to divide themselves into their households.
2. Give each group an equal allocation of the materials. Limit the materials.
1 egg
2 sheets of newspaper
one yard strips of masking tape
3. Instruct them that their main objective is to protect the egg in the best possible way using only the limited materials that you have given them. Tell them that the egg will be tested for “quality control”. It may be tossed around and dropped later on.
4. Encourage them to strategize and plan together. Ask them to come up with a name for their group. Give them 3 minutes to do this.
NOTE: During this time, go around and observe those who are actively participating in the activity and those who are not. Note some names of those who are involved. You can refer to them later on when wrapping up the activity. when the time is up, gather them and explain that you will call one group at a time to “challenge” the egg they have prepared. Simultaneously, have members of the group toss the egg to each other with a considerable distance between them. Then, have each group stand in front of the whole club to introduce themselves. Take the group’s egg, stand on a chair and drop the egg to the floor. Create as much suspense, tension and excitement as you can. Be conscious not to take too spend too much time on this. Notice that those who participated actively in the preparation of the egg are the ones most excited and affected by the tossing and dropping of the egg. They are more interested in what happens to the egg because they took part in protecting it.
5. After each group has had their turn, ask them to check the condition of the egg.
NOTE: Affirm everyone for a great time. Congratulate those who were able to protect the egg. If there is time ask them how they were able to do so. What strategy did they use?
6. Gather them together and get them to settle down for the wrap up.
7. After the wrap up, ask them to divide into their households again and share with the guide questions:
What are your expectations from the household?
What can you contribute to this household?
8. Close with a prayer.
Gathering/Teaching of Songs 30 minutes
Opening Worship 15 to 20 minutes
Activity 30 to 40 minutes
Processing the activity 15 minutes
Sharing by groups 30 minutes
Closing Prayer and announcements 5 minutes
Have you ever read the book, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint Exupery? (This book is usually given as book report assignments for high school students) In this book, the Little Prince was from a different planet and had one rose that he protected and loved very much. Then, he came to earth and saw a whole garden full of roses just like his rose. He was disappointed to see that his rose was not as special and as unique as he thought. But, as one other character in the book said,
“It’s the time you wasted on your rose that made it so important”
It was funny to see all of you so excited and worked up over an ordinary egg. Some were nervous, others were even shouting. (Mention some names of those you noticed were particularly involved in the activity. “For example, look at ______. He was close to tears when the egg was being dropped and tossed around! He was so involved in the planning and wrapping of the egg…”) This is because you spent time on the egg. What made the egg different from any other egg was the time and energy you gave into “protecting” it. As with anything you will ever be involved in, you will only get what you put in. You reep what you sow.
Here in YFC, we, along with your coordinators and household heads, will try our best to make the whole year fun, exciting and meaningful. Just as what the Christian life should be --- fun, exciting and meaningful. But, you will have to be involved. You will have to give of your time and energy. Just as with the egg.
We don’t want to waste your time. We definitely don’t want to waste ours. You heard about “It’s better to give than to receive”? I think whoever came up with that knew that when you give, you always end up with more. When you open up to the friendships you have in your household or in this group you’ll end up having great fun with great friends. You’ll end up with more than you gave. The only way you’ll ever get the most out of YFC this whole year is if you give the most. That’s the irony of it. It’s your call.
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