To build up the identity of each household.
- Begin the activity with worship.
- Give a short introduction about the activity and give them instructions.
- Ask the to divide into their household groups.
- The materials will either be distributed to the members or the members will be asked to provide for their own.
- Instruct them to come up with a banner for their group using only their hands. Tell them that no paintbrushes will be provided and they will not be allowed to use one.
- Tell them that they should draw or paint images that best represent their household and the individuals within. Encourage them to be creative.
- The newspapers will be used on the floor to prevent any spillage and the cloth rags/tissue paper to wipe any stray paint.
- At the end of the activity, ask each household to come forward to present the banner to the whole assembly. Tell them to choose a spokesperson to explain how they came up with their work.
- After each household has presented, gather them to process the activity.
- After the talk, lead them into a reflection (You can sing “Song of the Servant” as a reflection song). Lead them to a commitment to serve God and His people.
- To end, play fast songs and close with a prayer.
cloth (banner size) or large sheets of paper
water based paint (different colors)
art materials
cloth rags/tissue paper
Opening Worship 15 to 20 minutes
Introduction to Activity 5 minutes
Activity Proper 30 minutes
Sharing 10 minutes
Talk/Conclusion 15 minutes
Closing Prayer 5 minutes
Jesus was great enough to command the storms to stop. He had authority to drive out demons and part the sea. Thousands of people would leave behind their livelihood and treasures to follow where He led and do what He did. However, it was in His humble service that people were inspired to follow Him.
He did as He said. He walked His talk. People believed and followed Him not just because of the things He said but more because of the things He did.
Even when He was recognized as the Son of God, He would take time out to work with His followers. Even when He was glorified as the King of all Kings, He would go down to their level, on His hands and knees, humbly serve His apostles. He even washed their feet!
With Christ’s great love for the world, He was able to move entire nations to follow in His footsteps. With His faithfulness until death, He changed human life as we know it.
As Youth for Christ members, we are called to be servants. We are blessed to know that God loves us no matter what. Knowing God and knowing His love is what makes people happy, peaceful and alive. We were born to make this known to everyone who doesn’t.
No government position or royal authority can bring happiness, peace and life like God can. This is why our service is greater than that. But, it is in humble service that we achieve our goal.
1. Give no conditions. Do what needs to be done and do it well. If someone needs to stack up chairs or pick up trash or give a talk or fetch someone, do it! Don’t choose your service or how much you will serve. Christ never set limitations to how much He’ll love you or bless you or forgive you. Neither should you.
2. Take initiative. Actively seek ways to serve people. In our community, there are so many opportunities to serve. There are so many ministries and special ministries where you can help in. Don’t be timid. Ask around! There are more than enough for everyone to do! The fields are ripe for the harvest. We need laborers!
3. Serve joyfully! Don’t complain. Many in YFC serve actively but always complain that they’re tired or that no one helped them or whatever! In service, you give all regardless of whether you are acknowledged or affirmed for it. God loves a cheerful giver. In all the books ever written about Him, no where will you find that He complained or whined. Even when He was tortured and beaten up. Christ never complained.
It is our privilege to be serving in YFC. We have to be willing to do anything that this service will lead us to do --- from great works to the most simple. It is Christ who called us into this service, not our coordinators, not our leaders. Follow His lead. From the washing of people’s feet to the resurrection.
Are you ready to give your all in the service of God and His people? Share about your conviction.
After the reflection song is sung, lead the group into a prayer to commit to serve God at whatever cost. Ask God to bless everyone with the grace to go wherever He leads, to do whatever He asks, to say whatever He wants, to give away what He wants us to give away.
End with fast songs and a closing prayer.
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