GOALS: To help YFC members become more aware of the Spiritual conflict in service;
To teach YFC members how to spiritually prepare for service or a youth camp.
1. This talk is to be given in preparation for serving in the Youth Camp.
2. Find a fun way to pair each member with another member. You can draw lots too. Before the talk, have the activity. Make sure that everyone has picked a name. Ask them to keep the name in mind until further instructions.
3. After the reflection, lead the group to pray for the up coming Youth Camp and for protection for all God’s people around the world working for His victory.
4. Tell them to group themselves into their households and share on the guide questions below.
What stuck you the most about the talk?
Share an experience wherein you felt the spiritual battle.
5. Ask them the name they picked out from the activity earlier. Tell them to speak with that person to set a time to pray for each other and remind each other to pray for the camp and for each other’s protection.
6. End with a prayer of empowerment and end the session.
There are two kingdoms opposing each other – the kingdom of light, and the kingdom of darkness.
The whole world is under the dominion of Satan, but Jesus has mounted an attack against Satan’s kingdom. All people are born into this battle. Specially, we in YFC are in the thick of the fight, as we evangelize and reach out to other youths. As part of God’s army, we need weapons and protection. We need means for offense and defense.
1. Righteousness – Purity of life and holiness (2 Cor. 6:7)
2. Zeal – Single mindedness of purpose, perseverance (2 Cor 5:15)
a. Live totally for the Lord.
b. Philippians 3:7-8
3. The Word of God
a. A sword! (Eph. 6:17b; Heb 4:12)
b. In youth camps, we speak God’s word; God’s word has power (1 Thes 1:5)
4. Spiritual Gifts
a. 1 Corinthians 12
b. Relevant gifts like wisdom, and discernment.
a. Gifts of tongues and praise.
It is only through God’s provision that will give us adequate protection. Let us consider the points of attack by the devil, and how the armor of God can protect.
1. Truth – protection against lies and errors
Satan is the father of lies
He will try to make us doubt God’s word (you’re too sinful to serve), or falsely accuse us, or malign God’s character (God is not a loving God, He does not love you).
Rest on the truth of God’s love, God’s power.
2. Justice and righteousness – protection against evil and sinful desires.
If Satan does not succeed by lies, he will try to bombard our minds with evil thoughts.
Resist these temptations. Remember that temptations are not sins unless you entertain them.
3. Gospel of peace – protection against an easy and lazy life.
If Satan cannot disturb us, he will try to make us as comfortable, and cozy as possible. This will make us confident and we wouldn’t mind disturbing Satan.
Beware of living a “carpet slipper Christianity”, wherein one journeys to heaven in a first class comfort. Such persons have laid down their arms and are no longer concerned to attack and invade enemy held territory.
We need to get our footgear on, the boots of readiness. We must leave the comforts of our home, go after Satan’s captives, and have zeal to propagate the gospel.
4. Faith – protection against unbelief.
Doubt will assail us. Fear of failure can cripple our actions. However, the nagging question is CAN I DO IT?
We need to have faith in God’s promises. Have faith that this is God’s work. (Hebrews 13:5-6)
We need to realize that we are acting not by our own power but by God’s.
5. Salvation – protection against calamity and accident.
The word used for salvation means both physical as well as spiritual well - being.
Satan will try to make you sick, make you quarrel with your brothers and sisters, and may even try to get you killed.
But we have God’s protection.
Before leaving your home, pray. Put on the helmet of salvation.
6. Word of God.
Both a weapon and protection.
Stress the concept of prayer time.
7. Prayers.
Pray at every opportunity.
Discuss the following: Personal Prayer, Group Prayer, Intercessory Prayer, fasting.
Evangelism is spiritual warfare.
Guard against two extremes: (1) the view that there is no devil, and (2) the view that all negative things and happenings are attributable to the devil.
Remember that Jesus has already the victory in this fight against Satan. And the God who enlists us in His army also trains, equips, and leads us.
James 4:7 provides…We have the power to rout the devil, but such is premised on our submission to God. The importance of righteousness, faith, dependence on God.
2 Timothy 2:3…As good soldiers, we expect hardships and difficulties. We are to bear them and overcome them.
When you accepted Jesus as Lord, you signed up for God’s army. In this war, there are no combatants. Since the time you joined YFC, you have been in a boot camp, being trained for the fight against Satan.
Are we ready to face the challenge? On to Battle! Off to War!
Have I prepared myself spiritually for the upcoming camp / service?
After the reflection, the remaining time in the prayer meeting may be used discuss last minute details for the upcoming service.
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