
Discovery Camp 2 - Talk 1: Discover Your Purpose

Discovery Weekend
Expanded Outline


I. Introduction

A. People go through life without direction and they live empty and meaningless lives because they do not know who they are and the purpose they were created for. They drift from day to day, from job to job, unable to create something of value because they do not have a sense of identity and purpose.

B. In YFC, we live exciting and powerful lives because we have discovered who we are and our purpose in life. Our highest identity is that we are sons and daughters of God and our purpose in life is to live a life pleasing to God.

C. We live with the conviction that we are loved by God and that he Has a beautiful plan for us so that we can live happy and meaningful lives. A part from God we know that will be confused and we become more vulnerable to all kinds of temptation to commit evil.

D. Many Catholics consider themselves Christians yet they live weak, meaningless and sinful lives because they are not true to their identity and purpose. Their faith lacks integrity because their intentions and actions do not match what they preach. They fall to witness to the joy and power of Christian life because of their lukewarmness, doublemindedness, and compromise with evil and unrighteousness.

II. Preparing Our Personal Mission Statement

A. As young men and women, it is important that we discover early our true purpose in life so that we can chart our goals in life along this path.

B. A personal mission statement is like a map that will guide us to the real treasure in life. It includes three important element:

1. Identify your goals
2. Identify your core values
3. Prepare a concrete plan of action.

III. Identify Your Key and Core Values

To be happy and contented in life, these are our key goals and core values:

A. Key Goal: We want to be successful in our studies so we can live a good future ahead
and provide a good life to the people we care about and to have the resources to support our service to God.

Core Values to achieve this Goal:

1. As a man or woman of God, I will strive for excellence in my studies.

2. I will not compromise my integrity to get ahead.

3. I will not commit anything sinful or unrighteous to achieve success.

B. Key Goal: We are called to service and to serve God by serving our families.

Core Values:

1. We value the sanctity of marriage and are called to be faithful to our future spouse at all times.

2. We take full responsibility in providing for the needs of our future children, protecting them from all danger and dangerous influences, and raising them in the love and fear of God the way we were raised by our parents in a loving and caring environment.

3. We value the sanctity of life at all stages of development. We reject
abortion, any act of violence that endanger the life, and euthanasia.

4. We believe that the sex is a gift from God in marriage and I reject premarital
and extra-marital sex.

C. Key Goal: To live meaningfully, joyfully and productively in the love and service of God.

Core Value:

This includes refraining from any active homosexual activity for those of us who have homosexual tendencies.

D. Key Goal: We will promote, preserve and protect the life and mission of Couples for Christ and its Family Ministries.

Core Values:

1. As young men and women, we will be faithful to our covenant in CFC Youth for Christ.

2. When married, we will be faithful to our covenant in Couples for Christ.

3. We will make ourselves available to serve wherever and whenever we are called to serve.

4. We will be generous with our time and resources.

IV. Conclusion

A. We live a life of power if we have a clear purpose in life. It will spare us the confusion, the diversions, and the mistakes that we will make that might have serious consequences. We will avoid the fate of the Israelites who wandered for 40 years in the desert because they were not true to their purpose.

B. We do not have to drift through life like many of our friends are doing because they have no clear purpose and they continue to compromise with sin and evil.

C. Brothers and sisters, the good is here… it is available to us.. it is there just for the taking.. and it is available not just now but for the rest of our lives.

V. Activity: Reflection

A. Allow the participants to reflect on their lives. Asking them their purpose in life and to ask God to put purpose and meaning to their life.

B. While the group is in reflection, someone should sing, “All I Want” and/or “Till the End of My Days”.

C. Close with a prayer for all the participants.

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