
Discovery Camp 2 - Talk 2: Discover Your Passion

Discovery Weekend
Expanded Outline


I. Introduction

A. When we talk passion, it immediately brings to mind a hot and steamy romance and wet and torrid kisses. But, of course, passion is bigger than this.

B. How do we define passion in the broader sense?

1. Strong and intense emotions and feelings
2. Deep and undying love for a person or cause
3. Total, unconditional, and enduring commitment

II. Discover Your Passion

A. When we need to live a passionate life. A life without passion is not living for.

B. What are the more important areas of passion that we need to discover for our lives to be meaningful and colorful.

1. Discover Your Passion for God. Realizing that He is the source of life and the source of love, you need to cultivate your passion for God. Your life is worthless without Him. Your life is useless without Him. “You have no purpose apart from God. “ You need to grow a conviction about these basic truths in life.

a. he has been true to His promises. When I look into my life, God was always there for me. During my cost difficult moments, He has blessed me abundantly. He has surrounded me with people I care about and people who love me.

b. Knowing God’s faithfulness to me, I need to claim His promise of a bright future. I live with the passion to claim His promises to me; the promises which He gave who love me.

“For I know well the plans I have for you, .. plans for your welfare not woe,.. plans to give you a future full of hope..”

I live my life everyday full of hope and expectation that the promise of happiness, success, and everything good that is in life will be mine if I am faithful to the Lord.

c. Remember the passion of our first love for the Lord during our CLP and, for many, especially after the baptism? Wasn’t that a great feeling? To be so deeply in love with God after realizing how He has loved us totally and unconditionally despite our sinfulness. Remember also the days and weeks after that; when we just wanted to attend all meetings, pray regularly, and be in fellowship with brothers and sisters?

d. After a while, many have lost their passion because it simply remained at the level of feelings and emotions. There are many however who continue to remain in that honeymoon stage with the Lord because they transformed their feelings into a deep and intense commitment. And, they are now experiencing endless love, in good times and in bad times.

2. Discover Your Passion for Service.

a. This is the community where you found your faith and your love for God. This is the place that possesses a clear vision of the beautiful plan of God for us in our aim to live a youth, Christian and happy life.

b. Seeing this vision and trusting that God is faithful to His promises, the only wise thing that we can do is to remain faithful and to grow in our passion to serve in this community.

c. Neglecting this community after what God has already shown us will be the most stupid decision that we can make in our lives.

3. Discover Your Passion for Life

a. Strive for excellence in everything that you do. Anything that you cannot do well is not worth doing at all. It will be a waste of your time.
b. Strive for excellence in all your relationships.

 Be a good son or daughter to your parents.
 Be a good household head or unit head to your members.
 Be a good friend to all your brothers and sisters in and out of the community.
 If you cannot be excellent in all your relationships then its not fun having you around.

4. Discover Your Passion for the Love of Your Life.

a. For those who are called to marriage, you deserve the greatest romance and the greatest passion in your love life because love is a gift from God, the most passionate lover. He loves us with passion even when we’re not worthy of His love. He loves us with a passion to even die for us.
b. How do you discover that one true passion who will be your partner all through life?
 Look for that person who just doesn’t excite you because of physical attraction. But, look for somebody who can give you that enduring and endless love. In other words, look for that lifetime partner in life and in mission and not just for a short-time thrill. While looks and personality are the first consideration, what can give you sustaining relationship is a common vision on the crucial issues in you life; e.g., how to live your family life and your roles and responsibilities in it; your faith; the important values you want to cultivate; life style; and, career paths.
 While in a relationship, cultivate your passion for each other by not neglecting your passion for the Lord and your service in YFC. You’ll not know how to love your partner, if you don’t know how to love the Lord first. Your relationship will lose its life and purpose if it takes you away from God.
 To cultivate your passion without neglecting God:

a. Remember always that without God your relationship will not work.
b. You cannot grow in love and intimacy with your GG without growing in your love and intimacy with God. So if you have time to see or call your GG everyday, there is no reason why you cannot call on God everyday also.
c. All expressions of intimacy should be done in righteousness, honor, and respect. Engaging in premarital sex is not a proper way of proper way of expressing intimacy because it is not right with God. It is alright to hold hands and hug. It is even alright to kiss as long as it is to express affection and (call the attention of the brothers) not to work your partner up to prepare her for sex and to reach the point of no return.

c. For those who are not called to married life, how do you discover your passion for the love of your life.

III. Conclusion

A. The passion that you have now for the Lord is the passion you should sustain throughout your lifetime because without this, life is devoid of meaning and purpose. You deserve to be in a honeymoon with the Lord all throughout your lifetime, without any backsliding, any falling out, any burning out; but a life sustained by the burning passion of your love for the Lord.

B. Brothers and sister, do not be mediocre in anything you do… LIVE and LOVE with PASSION.

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